Objectives and expectationsMgt account Vs Financial statementsIllustration: MA Vs FSQ&A: Illustration - MA Vs FSComponent of a Mgt accountIllustration: Components of a management account (MA)Linking TB FS Mapping, Notes & Income StatementSteps in preparing a management accountQ&A: Illustrating the link between components of MAQ&A - Illustrating the components of MANote structure
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Introduction to preparation of DashboardCreating KPI Buttons on dashboardQ&A on creating buttons for KPI on a dashboardQ&A Actual vd Budgte on KPIs on the dashboardComparing Actual vs Budget on KPI on dashboardAnalyzing sales data using Pivot for dashboardQ&A on Using Pivot to analyze data for dashboardCreating doughnut charts for Actual vs budgetCreating trend analysis for sales usign line chartCreating trend analysis for sales usign line chartQ&A on creating charts and graphs for dashboardCreatign Financial highlights for a dashboardQ&A on financial highlights for a dashboard